Miss Haga's
Second Grade
Hello 2nd Grader!
Welcome to second grade! I am THRILLED to be your teacher this year, and I just know you’re going to love 2nd grade. It really is the best grade –shhh! Don’t tell!
Here are a few things about me:
*I love being outside– hiking, biking, running, pickleball– anything!
*I love to play games. Monopoly Deal and Skull King are my favorites.
*I went to Canyon Rim when I was a kid, too! I had second grade in our very classroom. How crazy is that?!
This is going to be an amazing year! You will become a mathematician and make discoveries as a scientist. You will explore creativity and do some fun art. For social studies, you will take a fascinating trip around the world exploring new places. You will also become an accomplished writer with an extensive vocabulary. Don’t forget my favorite part – reading! If you don’t already, you will learn to love reading this year. We even have our first field trip already planned. Whew! We’re going to be busy and I can’t wait to get started. Bubbles and I are so excited to meet you!
I would love to receive a letter back from you telling me a little about yourself and what you love to do. You can send your letter directly to the school. I will hang up any letters in our classroom and you can see it when we start school. I’m so excited to get to know you!
Miss Haga

As we’re getting ready to start a new school year we need to start gathering supplies! Any and all
donations are greatly appreciated, but are optional. Each student will need their own set of individual supplies. General Classroom supplies are things that the whole class will use. If you are able to, please send your child with the
supplies during the first week of school.
Individual Student Supplies:
2-4 Expo dry erase markers
1 pair of children’s scissors
24 count Crayola crayons
12 count Crayola colored pencils
1 Pink Pearl eraser
1 pencil sharpener with lid
1 storage container (must fit all above art supplies)
2 wide-ruled spiral notebooks
1 wide-ruled composition notebook
3 durable plastic folders (any color or design)
General Classroom Supplies:
hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes
PaperMate Flair felt tip black pens
Expo dry erase markers
Ziploc bags (various sizes)
any extras of the student supplies
1- 17G+ storage tub w/ rope handles
Thanks for your willingness to help out. I hope to meet you all at Back to School Night!