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Einstein Club

November Challenge

Einstein Lunch:  December 6

This month, we will be learning about Westward Expansion in the United States.  Very important to our history at this time were the American Indian tribes that lived all over the country.  Many tribes lived in the area that would later become UTAH… where we live now! 


(Parents: please let your students do his/her own work! That includes writing and creating! Please limit your role to help and guidance)


Part 1: RESARCH PROJECT: For your challenge this month, you will need to research an American Indian tribe that lived in the Utah area.  Make sure you find out all of the following:

  • The name of the tribe and what that name means

  • The geography of the tribe—where in UT did they live?

  • The types of homes they built and lived in

  • What kinds of food they ate

  • What they wore for everyday work and for special ceremonies

  • PLUS, at least THREE more interesting facts that you discover through your research!

You will need to present your findings to the class, but you can decide how to share your information (booklet, poster, oral presentation, etc.). 


Part 2: CREATIVE PROJECT:  Because arts and crafts are an important part of American Indian culture, you will also need to create a 3D creative project to represent something about your tribe.  Some ideas include (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO):

  • Model of the kind of home your tribe lived in

  • Musical instrument

  • Clothing they wore

  • Toy they may have played with

  • Tool they would have used

*Please, no weapons (for obvious reasons)*

Be creative!  See if you can use recycled objects, things from nature, or other supplies that you have on hand. Your project should be neat, colorful, and—of course—made by YOU.



Present your RESEARCH PROJECT and your CREATIVE PROJECT to your class to qualify for this month’s Einstein Lunch!

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