Einstein Club
January Challenge
Einstein Lunch: January 31
We are beginning to learn about Immigration. As we talk about families immigrating and starting a new life in the United States, it’s important to know that people are still immigrating today! This may also open a discussion about your family stories and history. Your January Einstein challenge is to:
Interview a person who has immigrated to America. This could be a family member, neighbor, whomever! Find out about his/her life. When did he/she immigrate? Why? How? What cultural foods/traditions/clothing did he/she bring to the USA? Use the “Immigration Interview” questions to guide your discussion. Come up with your own questions and let the discussion flow! Write down the responses.
Create a booklet about the country from which your interviewee immigrated. You can ask your interviewee for information about the country, as well. Use the following topics to guide your research. Some ideas might include:
popular sports
language/common greetings
location/neighboring countries
typical weather
capital city/large cities
famous landmarks
Present your Immigrant interview and country booklet to qualify for this month’s Einstein!